"© Chris Boswell / Dollar Photo Club” How are you doing with the "Scream Free Challenge"? I wanted to give you an update on my own personal progress with this challenge. You can find that post here. Where do I begin? Parenting does not come with a handbook, that would be too easy. A handbook on raising teenagers would be even better! I recently had a daughter that turned 13 and … [Read more...]
Family Christian Stores are hosting a “Dress like a Veggie” event October 31st
(This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy for more information. I may earn commissions from purchases made using these links, which in return helps to pay for the cost of running this site.) On October 31st, Family Christian Stores are having a nationwide event at ALL of our Family Christian locations called "Dress Like a Veggie". Bring your children dressed like … [Read more...]
Thursday Thoughts: Priorities

Thursday Thoughts: Priorities. I am currently reading "Saying Goodbye To Survival Mode" by Crystal Paine. I encourage you to do this weekly with me. In the first chapter she wanted me to write down at least 4 personal priorities. Priority? What does that look like anymore? Anybody, anybody? Well here is what my priority list looks like for now. * Make time for God, spiritual growth, reading … [Read more...]