Who among us doesn’t want to lead a life worth emulating? With great kids, a loving marriage, a successful career or business and a closer, faith-filled walk with the Lord. But for many of us, making that a reality is big challenge! Balancing life’s priorities can seem a bit overwhelming at times. The pressures of work, the need for finances, the demands of parenting and the resulting strain … [Read more...]
Scream Free Challenge

This post does contain an affiliate link, if you would like more information about this please read my disclosure policy. Picture source Lets keep it real! Yes, I will be the first to admit I scream / yell at my kids sometimes. Actually more than I would ever like to admit. I like to use the excuse that my children are the reason. This is wrong. This should not be a first response. I find that … [Read more...]
“What’s In The Bible”? Kids will ask……Buck Denver to the rescue!
(This is a post that contains links that I am an affiliate with. Please read my disclosure policy for any questions.) Now on with the good stuff! My children have an innate curiosity about what's in the bible. I love the longing for knowledge they have. They ask questions I have never thought of, so I have trouble answering those at times. I try my best to answer these questions, but I have … [Read more...]
Fall Book Reading List Ideas
(This is a post that contains links that I am an affiliate with. Please read my disclosure policy for any questions.) Now on with the good stuff! I am always looking for a great book to read, and I have a few you may want to put on your list for the Fall. They are from Family Christian and you will be able to purchase or pre-order these exciting books from them! "Living Courageously" … [Read more...]
Thursday Thoughts: Priorities

Thursday Thoughts: Priorities. I am currently reading "Saying Goodbye To Survival Mode" by Crystal Paine. I encourage you to do this weekly with me. In the first chapter she wanted me to write down at least 4 personal priorities. Priority? What does that look like anymore? Anybody, anybody? Well here is what my priority list looks like for now. * Make time for God, spiritual growth, reading … [Read more...]